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Community Impact Coalition Applauds New Poll Showing Strong Public Support for Protecting Nonprofits

Nonprofits strengthen communities by providing essential services

The Community Impact Coalition, of which OSAP is a member, commends the latest Independent Sector research, which underscores overwhelming public support for nonprofits and the essential role they play in addressing societal needs. As policymakers debate potential changes to tax policy, this polling reaffirms the public’s recognition of nonprofits as indispensable pillars of community well-being.

Key takeaways from the polling include:

"This is a pivotal moment to take stock of how much Americans value nonprofits—especially as the tax-exempt sector faces unprecedented threats from policymakers and think tanks," said Steve Caldeira, president and CEO of the Household & Commercial Products Association and co-chair of the Community Impact Coalition. "As Congress considers raising revenue by revoking tax-exempt status, it must recognize what the public already understands and appreciates: nonprofits strengthen communities by providing essential services where government and for-profit businesses cannot or will not.”

Nonprofits Under Growing Threat from Tax Proposals

Washington policymakers and other D.C. influencers are evaluating various revenue-generating strategies for 2025, with some proposals targeting tax-exempt organizations and the status of 501(c) nonprofits. There is rising concern over suggestions that nonprofits should be subjected to new taxes, which would significantly weaken the sector’s ability to serve communities across all fifty states.

Nonprofits continue to play a vital role in our nation’s economy, with 501(c)(3) organizations alone accounting for 12.8 million jobs—representing 9.9 percent of private sector employment (Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2022). Additionally, associations directly support more than 1 million jobs nationwide.

Call to Action

The Community Impact Coalition urges lawmakers, business leaders and the public to recognize nonprofits' invaluable contributions and reject any proposals that would undermine their ability to serve communities.

The Community Impact Coalition advocates for policies that strengthen and protect the nonprofit sector. Its mission is to ensure that nonprofits can continue their vital work, from disaster relief to education, healthcare and beyond. The coalition is supported by a wide range of trade associations, charities and professional societies. 

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