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The Other Side in an M&A Deal Can Lead to Tax Benefits for Both

Smart Business spoke with CSH about tax planning for M&A deals

Both parties in a merger and acquistion (M&A) transaction are looking to optimize their after-tax cash flows. Often, achieving tax savings for one party could mean increasing the tax liability for the other party. Clark Schaefer Hackett Shareholder Zach Gubser, however, says that doesn't always need to be the case.

"Buyers and sellers in a deal should be asking how the deal structure is going to impact the counter-party," Gubser said. "Both sides should be receptive to and understand what the other is asking for in the deal rather than focusing only on their own goals. Doing so can lead to a more favorable tax situation for everyone."

Smart Business spoke with Gubser about tax planning for M&A deals and how thoughtful planning can create wins for both sides.

Please select this link to read the complete article from OSAP Mission Partner Clark Schaefer Hackett (CSH).

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