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Equal is Not Equitable

Consider this leadership approach when managing people

One of the most significant lessons I've learned as a leader is that treating everyone the same is not the same as treating everyone fairly. In fact, equality and fairness are often confused concepts in leadership. True leadership maturity comes from understanding that each individual on your team has unique needs, strengths, and weaknesses. This means that while you may love and value your team equally, you cannot manage them identically. This article explores why equal is not equitable and how embracing this principle can lead to more effective leadership.

The Fallacy of Equal Treatment

It can be tempting to think that being a fair leader means treating everyone on your team exactly the same. After all, equality sounds like a noble goal, right? However, the reality is that equal treatment can often lead to poor management and dissatisfaction within your team. When you treat everyone the same, you fail to take into account the diverse needs and preferences of each individual, which can prevent them from reaching their full potential.

For instance, consider a common analogy: parenting. As a parent, you love all your children equally, but you likely don't treat them the same way. One child may need more emotional support, while another might thrive with clear boundaries and structure. The same is true in leadership. Your team members are individuals with unique backgrounds, strengths, and needs. To manage effectively, you must meet them where they are, which often requires a tailored approach.

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