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Five Questions Leaders Should Ask to Build Executive Presence

These questions are a call to action

As you climb the ladder of your career, have you ever wondered what sets the most dynamic and respected leaders apart? It’s not just their skills or knowledge — it's their relentless curiosity and the powerful questions they ask themselves. Great leaders don't settle; they probe deeper, challenge their thinking and continuously push their boundaries. To truly refine your leadership style and elevate your executive presence, it's time to turn that same probing curiosity inward and ask yourself the right questions.

Understanding the power of asking the right questions is just the beginning. To truly harness this power, leaders need concrete strategies and a proven framework to sharpen their executive presence, command respect, and drive meaningful impact. This is the focus of my book, Executive Presence: Step into Your Power, Convey Confidence, and Lead with Conviction.” It provides practical strategies, real-life examples, and exercises that guide leaders through the self-reflective process of developing a powerful and authentic presence.

Below, I've highlighted five critical questions that can help you gain powerful insights into your leadership journey. These questions aren't just for reflection; they're a call to action.

Please select this link to read the complete article from SmartBrief.

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