Complete Story


Keeping Service Professionals Engaged

Association membership provides access to like-minded professionals

Historically, associations were the go-to source of credible information and professional networking opportunities, particularly for service professionals. They were a treasured gathering place to share best practices, provide continuing education, and advocate for industry regulation.

For everyone from independent business owners managing their own book of business to employees of established brands, association membership provides access to a community of like-minded professionals. In recent years, however, this community has not been as loyal as it was in the past. Associations are being challenged to rethink the value proposition of membership.

Where Members are Going

The rise of the digital age means service providers can now access most, if not all, of the information they need to grow their business online. Associations once enjoyed a monopoly on access to this industry-specific information. Members were happy and willing to pay dues in exchange for the exclusive resources available only through their association. Today, associations must compete with online platforms, like YouTube, that provide similar content free of charge.

Please select this link to read the complete article from ASAE’s Center for Association Leadership.

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