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IRS Seeks Focus Group Participants for Business Tax Account

The first registration deadline is Sept. 6, 2024

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) is conducting virtual focus groups to obtain comments and suggestions about the authorization process for the Business Tax Account (BTA). BTA was established for business entities to interact and conduct business with the IRS and we are seeking feedback from stakeholders who will use the BTA online platform.

If you are a CEO, shareholder, partner, designated official or can legally bind your organization, this focus group is for you.

Through a series of small-group discussions, volunteers will have an opportunity to share their opinion about the requirements of the BTA authorization process. The IRS will use insights gained from the focus groups to develop user-centered enhancements for the authorization process to deliver a positive customer experience.

Discussions will be held using Microsoft Teams or Zoom and may last up to 75 minutes. Sessions will not include policy, technical, or legislative issues. We are requesting volunteers interested in participating in the S-Corporation Designated Official and Corporation Designated Official sessions scheduled Sept. 10, 2024, to register by Sept. 6, 2024. See the chart below for additional sessions, dates, times and registration deadlines.

Volunteers from the following entity types or stakeholders are invited to participate:

  • Partnership Designated Official (DO)
  • S Corporation Designated Official (DO)
  • C Corporation Designated Official (DO)
  • Exempt Organization Designated Official (DO)
  • Partners or Shareholders

Volunteers who wish to participate must identify the type of entity with which they are affiliated and register for the specific focus group for that entity type or stakeholder group. Volunteers that do not self-identify their entity type may not be selected to participate.

Note:  Tax professionals such as accountants or attorneys who own their own business and are classified as one of the entity types above may participate.

IRS Chart for Focus Group Sept2024

To register send an email to with the following information: 

  • Subject line, “Focus Group Volunteer:  Business Tax Account”
  • Name
  • Type of Entity (i.e., Partnership, S Corporation, etc.)
  • Position Title
  • State
  • Email Address
  • Phone Number
  • Session Date
  • Special accommodations

Focus groups are limited to 12-participants. Selected volunteers will receive a confirmation email with a meeting link from

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