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How to Use Self-deprecation as a Leadership Tool

There are also times not to use it

Leaders can employ self-deprecation as a leadership tool.

The dictionary defines self-deprecation as modesty about or criticism of oneself. n a previous Psychology Today post (2022), we viewed humor from a continuum perspective. At one end of the continuum is humor directed at someone. The goal is a collective laugh “at” the person. Comedian Chris Rock is an example of a level-1 sense of humor. At the high end of the continuum is humor directed at someone or some situation. The goal is to laugh “with” the speaker collectively. We consider that Jerry Seinfeld often operates at a level-10 level sense of humor.

Self-deprecation humor is a collective laugh “with” the speaker. In that sense, it is on the high end of the humor spectrum. What is unique is that the target of the amusement is the speaker.

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