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Why Self-awareness is Essential for Success in Every Leader

Self-aware leaders are better at making decisions, are seen as trustworthy

As a new FBI agent, I was thrilled when I got the opportunity to work undercover. I’d seen all the movies and read all the stories about undercover work so I jumped at the chance for additional training at the FBI Academy.

Imagine my disappointment when I spent the entire first week taking tests to determine my level of self-awareness! What happened to scissor kicks and wrestling criminals to the ground? Instead, I learned many important things about myself which is critical in undercover work. The FBI needed agents who could land on their feet when confronted with the unknown, agents who knew themselves well enough to predict their response in a crisis.

An effective leader is a person who takes responsibility for what is going on inside of them so their reactions do not sabotage them. This self-awareness helps them discover what lies beneath the surface of their lives so they can recognize and regulate behaviors that don’t set them up for success. Since self-awareness makes it possible for leaders to understand the impact of their actions on others, it also helps them develop a natural compass for guiding their decisions. 

Please select this link to read the complete article from SmartBrief.

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