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The Ohio Newsroom Wants to Help Your Organization Market its Influence

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The Ohio Newsroom is excited to share news about a program it provides with fellow OSAP members looking to share their message with hundreds of thousands of people across the state.

To address the local news crisis and to help serve important local and regional news and information to Ohioans, public media organizations across Ohio have partnered to launch The Ohio Newsroom, a formal collaboration of Ohio’s existing network of public radio newsrooms that creates a sustainable model offering news coverage, including stories that may not have otherwise been told. 

The early years of the collaborative, 'Today from The Ohio Newsroom', were funded through a grant from the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, the founding stations and four founding donors.

Over the past 18 months, the Ohio Newsroom has been transitioning to a business model more reliant on underwriting messaging support.

You can market your organization or service and support this kind of journalism by sponsoring 'Today From The Ohio Newsroom' daily segments. For more information, please email OSAP member Kyle Wilson.

To learn more about the program, please select this link.

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