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How to Be a Modern-day Warrior Leader

No, you don't need a katana in your boardroom

Picture this: You walk into a tense negotiation with a rival company. But instead of entering like a gladiator ready to knock heads, you come armed with fairness, integrity, and a genuine desire for mutual success.

That, my friend, is how a modern-day warrior leader rolls, illustrating the Bushido warrior ethic of righteousness, with fair dealings underscoring every interaction. You are fiercely committed to your values and treat every stakeholder with profound respect and kindness.

Bushido: Not Just for Samurai Anymore

Bushido, meaning "the way of the warrior," was the code of conduct that guided the Japanese samurai. And no, you don't need a katana in your boardroom. Yes, they had swords, but they also had loyalty, honor, benevolence--and valor.

Please select this link to read the complete article from Inc.

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