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How to Effectively Mentor a Know-it-all

The first step is to identify the type of know-it-all with whom you're dealing

Over the years, I have had many chances to mentor people. As a faculty member, I worked closely with undergraduate and graduate students to help them on their career paths. As an administrator, I have also had the chance to serve as a mentor.

Every once in a while, you come across someone who I refer to as "impervious to advice." These know-it-alls have an answer for everything and find ways to convince you that everything they have done was the right move. Often, these individuals also find time to tell everyone else how to do their job and bluster through lots of situations with more confidence than competence.

There are a few flavors of these know-it-alls. You need to know which one you’re dealing with before you can decide whether they can be mentored and how to do it.

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