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Ask These Five Questions to Uncover a Candidate’s Leadership Qualities

Get candidates to reveal something about their leadership traits

People are often on their best behavior when they’re being interviewed. They’re trying their best to impress a potential employer, and they’ve likely rehearsed answers to the most commonly asked questions. If you’re the interviewer, it can be hard to know who’s really the best fit for your company. 

"We're deluding ourselves if we think we are discerning great insights about leaders through a face-to-face interview," said Barry Conchie, coauthor of The Five Talents that Really Matter: How Great Leaders Drive Extraordinary Performance. "The big problem with face-to-face interviews is that it’s difficult to park our own biases."

When crafting interview questions, Conchie said companies often focus on the wrong thing. “It’s not the strength of the interview question that’s important; it’s knowing what you’re listening for,” he added. “Most people are clueless about that.” 

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