Complete Story


Why Your Company Needs Humble Leaders

Authentic, approachable humble leaders can foster a deeper trust with their teams

Jeff is a C-suite leader with a string of success stories in start-ups. More recently, he joined a mid-size financial firm and was struggling to understand the turnover numbers in the company’s research division. The division VP insisted the turnover was normal, but something was not adding up. So, Jeff asked me to sit down with Scott, an up-and-coming leader of a research team and one of the VP's direct reports. Jeff selected Scott because he already demonstrated C-suite potential and Jeff valued his opinion.

Scott had worked hard to earn his promotion to team lead and had built and expanded a group of talented professionals around him in the 12 months he'd held the position. Yet, despite his success, I discovered that Scott was already searching for a job at another company.

"I know I've been here a short time, but frankly, my boss (the 'nothing to see here' VP) is insufferable," he shared. "There's no way that continuing to work under this pompous blowhard is good for my career or my mental health."

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