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Deploying Generative AI to Help Middle Managers

It could help middle managers confront endless 'administrivia'

Bogged down, bothered, beleaguered: Many middle managers have it bad—and they can also have a bad rap. In Power to the Middle: Why Managers Hold the Keys to the Future of Work (Harvard Business Review Press, July 2023), McKinsey talent experts Bryan Hancock and Emily Field sought to correct that misperception, clarifying the vital role the best middle managers play in competitive outperformance.

And then, in walked generative AI (gen AI)—which middle managers can convert to their advantage. In this episode of The McKinsey Podcast, originally aired on McKinsey Talks Talent, the authors revisit the book one year on, talking with global editorial director Lucia Rahilly about the downside of leadership programs, how to identify and understand different managerial styles, and how middle managers can use gen AI to support their teams more effectively—and update their image while they’re at it.

The transcript has been edited for clarity and length.

Please select this link to read the complete article from McKinsey.

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