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Stop Assuming the Worst in a State of Uncertainty

Here’s how to train your brain to change that mindset

Not knowing what’s going to happen when you're watching a movie can be thrilling. Edge of your seat excitement is fun entertainment, and we pan films with predictable endings. When the uncertainty is in your own life, however, the experience is less enthralling. In fact, it can be downright negative.

That's because not being able to see the future causes us to be emotionally and intellectually uncomfortable, said Rebecca Homkes, author of Survive, Reset, Thrive: Leading Breakthrough Growth Strategy in Volatile Times. "These things lead us to frame uncertainty as something that we need to protect, overcome or get through," she said. "It's evolutionary. In prehistorical times, we're trained to see unknown things as a risk we need to overcome."

Instead of assuming the worst, Homkes says it’s important to stop seeing uncertainty as inherently negative. Here are four steps for changing your mindset.

Please select this link to read the complete article from Fast Company. 

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