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Ohio University Student Farm Provides Hands-on Agricultural Education Rooted in Sustainability

The oldest part of the farm was created more than 40 years ago

Do you know where your food comes from? Have you considered the work it took to grow and how it arrived on your favorite store’s shelf?

Modern grocery stores often obscure the long journey some food takes to get from farm to the table. With the help of dedicated faculty, student interns and volunteers, the OHIO Student Farm demonstrates the value of local, sustainable agriculture – and how it continues to benefit the University and its surrounding communities.

The OHIO Student Farm, managed by the Environmental and Plant Biology department within the College of Arts and Sciences, is a unique resource located on West State Street within the Ohio University Research & Enterprise Green, only a five-minute shuttle ride from Baker University Center. The farm is a place where those who are passionate about farming and agriculture can learn, research and reap fresh produce in the process. The oldest part of the farm was created more than 40 years ago. It has since expanded to include approximately two acres in total including outdoor classrooms, learning gardens, student garden plots and a high tunnel—a structure resembling a greenhouse that extends the growing season for certain crops.

Please select this link to read the complete article from Ohio University Press.

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