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New ASAE Research Shows the Power of Associations to Boost America’s Economy, Generate Opportunity

Associations directly support 1 million jobs annually

The American Society of Association Executives (ASAE) is releasing the most definitive research on associations to date, demonstrating the massive economic impact generated in every state by these engines of economic prosperity and leaders in community engagement and innovation.

“This new study for the first time quantifies the power of associations to boost America's economy and generate opportunity through good jobs with competitive pay, events that support local businesses and substantial tax payments to all levels of government,” said ASAE President and CEO Michelle Mason, FASAE, CAE. “Associations also strengthen our country by advancing job skills and advocating for American businesses, professions and workers in every industry, in every state, every day.”

ASAE partnered with Oxford Economics, the world's foremost independent economic advisory firm, in a study of 20,000 associations to capture the economic impact of the sector. The analysis shows:

“ASAE is the authoritative voice on association research, providing reliable data and insights that policymakers, business leaders and the public trust,” Mason added. “This study underscores our commitment to advancing understanding of the incredible contributions associations make to our country.”

For more details about the study and to see an interactive map with state-specific association economic impact data, please visit: Resources – The Power of Associations.

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