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Protecting Your Copyright From AI Tools

Associations aren’t the only entities worried about protecting their copyright

One of the most pressing challenges associations face with AI is the looming threat to copyright protection. In fact, 43 percent of survey respondents to a recent survey completed by the ASAE Communications Professional Advisory Council, said that "concern about copyright issues" is the second biggest challenge behind "concern for misinformation/incorrect information" (71 percent). Coming in third was "don’t want to provide association information to large language models" (37 percent).

Challenges of AI and Copyright for Associations

Associations aren’t the only entities worried about protecting their copyright. The U.S. Copyright Office launched an initiative in 2023 to examine the current copyright law and policies as they pertain to AI. They are now on the back end of this process, after convening listening sessions and public webinars and then publishing a notice of inquiry in the Federal Register that garnered more than 10,000 comments. They are expected to issue a report over the course of this coming year on their findings and recommendations.

To back up a step, AI is a technology that “enables computers and machines to simulate human intelligence and problem-solving capabilities,” according to IBM. “On its own or combined with other technologies, AI can perform tasks that would otherwise require human intelligence or intervention."

Please select this link to read the complete article from ASAE’s Center for Association Leadership.

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